Vuka Vision - 3 CD Message

Vuka Vision - 3 CD Message

  • $ 1499

Look up... Look in... Look out!’
3 CD Message
One of the main buzz words used in Christian Circles today is "Vision." "What's your vision?" You gotta have a vision" .... but how can you be sure you have a real vision and that you are not just looking without actually seeing
In this 3 part series, Pastor Bill Wilson reveals some rare and extraordinary insight that will cause you to see and understand vision in a completely new light.
Vuka Uzenzele is a Zulu term for "Wake up and do it yourself." These messages will challenge you to take the necessary steps, to Look UP, Look IN, and Look OUT - Vuka Vision, to wake up and do it yourself in order that you may be in the right position to say "Here am I... send me." So, are you ready to take the challenge
CD 1 - The IN's and Out's of a Real Vision - In this, the first of 3 messages on vision, Pastor Bill challenges you to look up and see a fresh vision of the Lord high and lifted up, which in turn provokes you to look inside yourself and confront any convert issues. Only then are you truly qualified to look out and answer the call of "whom shall I send and who will go for me.
CD 2 - The Response to the Vision - In part 2 of this series, Pastor Bill shares how a real vision will affect you. A true vision will demand a response from you, re-define your personal ambitions and provoke a response from those around you. Learn the indicators of how to recognize a true vision and discover how to distinguish between the authentic and the counterfeit.
CD 3 - You Must See Something - In this concluding message, Pastor  Bill provides insight from the account in John 20 where 3 people go to the tomb and each saw something different. Same place, 3 different perceptions. Does what you see leave you with questions and bewilderment, or does what you see inspire faith and cause you to believe for the vision 

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